Return & Replacement Policy

We at Nogor always try to deliver our products in perfect condition. But sometimes things go wrong and you may receive a damaged or faulty product. Don’t worry, we have your back. You can return the product and get a replacement or a refund.

To be eligible for a return, you need to follow these steps:

Make sure the product is within 5-7 days of the order date.

Keep the product unused and in its original condition with all the tags and packaging intact. Return any free promotional item that came with the product.

Contact our customer care team by emailing within 3-5 days of receiving your order.

We will arrange a pick up or guide you on how to send the product back to us. After we receive your return, we will check the product and confirm if it meets our return criteria. If it does, we will either replace the product with a new one or process your refund.

Refund Policy Your refund will depend on the following factors:

The availability of the product in stock. If the product is out of stock, you will get a full refund.

The mode of payment you used. If you paid by Cash on Delivery (COD), there is no refund because you didn’t pay anything. If you paid by Credit Card, Debit Card, Mobile Banking or Bank Transfer, you will get a refund in your respective account.

The deduction of the Cash on Delivery convenience charge and the shipping charge. These are non-refundable charges and will be deducted from your refund amount.

Your refund will be processed within 7-10 working days after we verify your return. If you don’t receive your refund within this time, please email us at and we will look into it.

We reserve the right to change these return and replacement policy at any time without notice. Your continued use of our website after any changes have been made constitutes your acceptance of the new return and replacement policy.